A semester abroad
and a whole new mess of roads to wander.

26 January 2011

The Tuscan Countryside...

Siena Day 4
Thurday January 20, 2011

 Picture of the Day
 6 tons of glass

Exactly how I pictured it. I though Diane Lane might actually come out and greet us. After winding roads of vineyards, we arrived at Chianti Sculpture Park with a beautiful view below and amazing art ahead. We froze on the tour and after, we came upon ‘la galleria,’ which also serves as, oh ya know… just the tour guides’ home! The house was full of even more breathtaking art, not to mention how every functioning thing in the home was a work of art itself. Even the speaker was one of the coolest looking things I’d ever seen. We were served only the freshest food and wine, straight from their own backyard, which of course was the sculpture park, complete with the most intricately beautiful pool. The olives were from, literally, right outside the door of this amazing home full of so much culture and history that doubled as a gallery. I felt honored that this simple, yet sophisticated couple was so willing to open up their home to us and let us into their world. They were absolutely adorable and clearly enjoy sharing their love of art and culture for everyone to see.

Now tonight…
Superhero Party!!!

Siena Day 5
Friday January 21, 2011

Picture of the Day.
Moulin Rouge Crepes & Nutella Crepes

As the gentle quiet snow falls (yes.. it’s snowing. Not a real snow though, it melts as soon as it hits the ground) I feel that it’s tranquility is desperately needed after a rough night. A ’superhero party’ was to be held at a local pub last night and an unspoken agreement to not only go, but to flat out rage seemed to have been made between the 165 students here. Some (including myself) bought masks at the local 99 cent store. While out, my sweet, gentle roommate with only the best intentions seemed to have found herself pretty toasty after a night of free drinks. I had already been passed out in our room for sometime when I awoke to the sound of the strong, yet friendly voice of our protective friend George attempting to put a belligerently reluctant little Bailey to sleep for the night. Next, I heard a loud boom, some apologies and then forgiving. Unable to even open my eyes let alone comprehend the situation occurring right next to me, my body drifted back into a deep slumber. Next, I was abruptly awoken by a frantic friend searching hectically for Bailey’s passport and money. Somehow I managed to relay the safe’s code to her, yet was not capable of staying awake to figure out what on earth was happening right in front of me and I uncontrollably fell back into my coma. At 7:00 I awoke to the sound of Bailey’s phone alarm signaling it was time to get up for class, yet Bailey was nowhere to be found. After a groggy panic, I was able to find George who informed me that Bailey had hit her head really hard on the marble shelf behind our beds which caused slight bleeding and a passed out Bailey. George and three others had informed the hotel concierge, called an ambulance, and paid 50 Euro for a taxi ride to the hospital where they waited for 4 ½ hours yet were not allowed to see Bailey who had a concussion and needed a few stitches as well. Upon learning that I had no way of seeing or speaking to my poor, injured, scared roommate who had no friends or family present, my heart ached for her. Not knowing when I’ll see her, how she is, or what sort of trouble this means for her is extremely unsettling. During and after class (which probably held only half the student population today), I heard many other crazy stories of a night gone wrong, including peeing in the street, making an expensive international phone call, and throwing up. As the snow began to fall, I felt it was, in some way, washing away the night’s sins, cleansing the streets of the mess we left. It was there to settle the air, to calm the storm, to keep us inside for rest and warmth, in order to clear our heads, to quiet the left over tension and pause all the gossip. Snow was not expected on this trip, but it was definitely needed…

Siena Day 6
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Picture of the Day.
San Gimigniano- View from the Tower

Siena Day 7
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Picture of the Day.
Exploring Siena on a lazy sunday.. the sun finally showed it's face :)

Siena Day 8
Monday, January 24, 2011

 Picture of the Day.
The view on my walk to school every morning.

Siena Day 9
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Picture of the Day.
The perfect Tuesday afternoon: crackers, cheese, wine, fruit, & a good book.

19 January 2011

A Long Day.

Siena- Day 1

..awake at 2:30am. Complete with a delayed flight, lost luggage, 2 ½ hours of waiting after landing with not the slightest idea of what’s going on. My aching muscles, y throbbing head, my tired eyes, my growling belly are all silenced picturesque view of the quaint Italian countryside. When all is said and done, I am here, on a scenic bus ride from Pisa to Siena, the sun setting on the lush green valley. The most beautiful words are being spoken like a song only to convey the most trivial of things. They dance into my ears and ease my mind. I am reminded that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet when an unexpectedly friendly face greets me. I cannot help but be thankful to have felt so welcomed despite my longing for ties of old. Realizing how much I take for granted, the ability to remind a loved one of a cherished memory with only the press of a few buttons. So many things remind me of those I left behind me. After the gloom of metropolitan London, the sunny quiet simplicity of our journey warms and comforts my soul.

Picture of the Day.
Roomie :)

Siena- Day 2

Picture of the Day.

Siena- Day 3

Picture of the Day.
Nutella Doughcake

Siena- Day 3

Picture of the Day.
Wine Tasting. 

09 January 2011

A different kind of goodbye.

Today consisted of seeing faces for the last time. Tomorrow I leave my crummy, yet lovable hometown of Visalia to visit the land of Vanguardia for a few days before I take off for good. It was a surreal feeling. I've been waiting for this time to come for about 3 years, as the process began and it became more of a reality (my going to Italy) it only grew that much harder to wait for it. This past month was full of anxious anticipation, but then this last week it hit me.. i had a LOT to do. I was going out of the country in a WEEK. Then came the feelings of dreading packing, stressing and overwhelming. But today.. today was weird. I've been away home for months at a time before, but was still only 3-4 hours away, or at least a phone call. I've gone far from home before, without being able to contact home, but only for a couple weeks. A trip home was always just around the corner. This time, it's 4 months away, and about 6,500 miles. No phone calls home.

I've always been independent.. summer camp for a week at age 6 with no qualms about leaving home or missing parents, just down for the adventure. I've been waiting for this kind of freedom and independence for so long. Get me out of this country. I'm over the top excited for what's ahead of me, can't wait to meet me, to discover who I am, to discover a whole new world (haha). Yet, i'll miss those who have shaped this adventure-seeking girl, this girl i'm about to meet head on. I can't believe it's actually time to say goodbye. My mom was the hardest. I've really come to appreciate and respect and love and miss her more than ever before. She is not only my mom, but my best friend, just like she's always said, only now I understand it. One final goodbye to those special Visalians, i'll miss you!

Daniela, Leah
Mom, Andres, Audrey, Jude
Dad, Jake, Charlotte, Molly
Amber, Lashe, Rissa
Papa, Bana

So after painful goodbyes here, I leave, but not really. Off to Costa Mesa tomorrow to see the rest of the faces i'll miss terribly while i'm away. Then it's goodbye yet again and the real journey begins..