A semester abroad
and a whole new mess of roads to wander.

09 January 2011

A different kind of goodbye.

Today consisted of seeing faces for the last time. Tomorrow I leave my crummy, yet lovable hometown of Visalia to visit the land of Vanguardia for a few days before I take off for good. It was a surreal feeling. I've been waiting for this time to come for about 3 years, as the process began and it became more of a reality (my going to Italy) it only grew that much harder to wait for it. This past month was full of anxious anticipation, but then this last week it hit me.. i had a LOT to do. I was going out of the country in a WEEK. Then came the feelings of dreading packing, stressing and overwhelming. But today.. today was weird. I've been away home for months at a time before, but was still only 3-4 hours away, or at least a phone call. I've gone far from home before, without being able to contact home, but only for a couple weeks. A trip home was always just around the corner. This time, it's 4 months away, and about 6,500 miles. No phone calls home.

I've always been independent.. summer camp for a week at age 6 with no qualms about leaving home or missing parents, just down for the adventure. I've been waiting for this kind of freedom and independence for so long. Get me out of this country. I'm over the top excited for what's ahead of me, can't wait to meet me, to discover who I am, to discover a whole new world (haha). Yet, i'll miss those who have shaped this adventure-seeking girl, this girl i'm about to meet head on. I can't believe it's actually time to say goodbye. My mom was the hardest. I've really come to appreciate and respect and love and miss her more than ever before. She is not only my mom, but my best friend, just like she's always said, only now I understand it. One final goodbye to those special Visalians, i'll miss you!

Daniela, Leah
Mom, Andres, Audrey, Jude
Dad, Jake, Charlotte, Molly
Amber, Lashe, Rissa
Papa, Bana

So after painful goodbyes here, I leave, but not really. Off to Costa Mesa tomorrow to see the rest of the faces i'll miss terribly while i'm away. Then it's goodbye yet again and the real journey begins..

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Jen and Uncle Jon13/1/11 12:52 AM

    I hope you have a great first night in your new home!
