..awake at 2:30am. Complete with a delayed flight, lost luggage, 2 ½ hours of waiting after landing with not the slightest idea of what’s going on. My aching muscles, y throbbing head, my tired eyes, my growling belly are all silenced picturesque view of the quaint Italian countryside. When all is said and done, I am here, on a scenic bus ride from Pisa to Siena, the sun setting on the lush green valley. The most beautiful words are being spoken like a song only to convey the most trivial of things. They dance into my ears and ease my mind. I am reminded that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet when an unexpectedly friendly face greets me. I cannot help but be thankful to have felt so welcomed despite my longing for ties of old. Realizing how much I take for granted, the ability to remind a loved one of a cherished memory with only the press of a few buttons. So many things remind me of those I left behind me. After the gloom of metropolitan London, the sunny quiet simplicity of our journey warms and comforts my soul.
Picture of the Day.
Roomie :)
Picture of the Day.
Siena- Day 3
Picture of the Day.
Nutella Doughcake
Siena- Day 3
Picture of the Day.
Wine Tasting.
I am so glad you are enjoying yourself!