A semester abroad
and a whole new mess of roads to wander.

28 February 2011


Standing in the Sistine Chapel.. I am literally speechless. I'm actually somewhat grateful that pictures, as well as even speaking are not allowed in this place.. As eager as I am to document all this incredible experiences I'm taking part in, something about not worrying about a camera or about discussing the awe with someone else really allows you to take it all in. I knew this was something I needed to journal/blog about, but I found myself thinking that there were literally no words that could describe my experience. I just walked around with my head all the way back, staring at the ceiling.. I could have laid on the floor for hours just looking up. This huge chapel that Michaelangelo painted all by himself, in just five years, among the many other accomplishments of his life... it was breathtaking.

Rome is unreal. I have been to more churches than I can count, each done with such care, effort, and beauty. (I have so many pictures of ceilings it's not even funny) I have entered through the archway of the Coliseum that the gladiators came through, and seen where they fought their bloody battles. I have wandered the ancient Roman ruins, literally set foot on the same paths that they walked. I have seen the site of Julius Cesar's murder. I have walked into some rooms of Augustus' house, and seen the remnants of the chipping paint on his walls, painted in 9BC... over 2,900 years ago. (This was another thing I was not allowed to capture on film, it's always the most important things. Maybe they just know cameras are just a distraction and secretly just want you to take it all in for yourself and give it undivided attention, standing in awe...or your flash and breath are bad for the paint.. either way) I have been in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI, and received a blessing from him among a crowd of adoring fans, come from all over the world to hear his words. I still can't believe it all really happened.

It's funny how much a series of ups and downs studying abroad is. Although my weekend was breathtakingly surreal, I also suffered a few minor setbacks and went through times of emotion and stress, including money problems, roommate troubles, homesickness, actual sickness, and extreme exhaustion. Yet when things get rough, I've found it's important to remind myself it's all worth it. No matter how hard it gets, even if something disastrous happened and I had to leave to go home this very instant.. it's all worth it. I have seen and done things that most people only dream of and I am an incredibly privileged girl. Never in my life have I been able to check so many things off my bucket list and I feel very blessed to have received this opportunity.

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