A semester abroad
and a whole new mess of roads to wander.

02 March 2011


(this is old but apparently it never actually posted so i'm posting it now.. plus i just love fiesole!)

Most definitely my favorite part of the trip so far. It was much needed nature after adjusting to the city life of Florence. We took a bus out of Florence up into the hills of Fiesole where we toured ancient ruins. It happened to be the most gorgeous day complete with the warm sunshine wrapping it's rays around my skin in desperate need of some good old fashioned Vitamin D. As if the beautiful weather and nature weren't enough, we got to see some amazing things like the ancient ampitheatre, a museum of remains found at the site, the ruins of the palace that used to be there. Then, we hiked up an enormous hill which was worth it for the amazing view of all of Florence below us. At the top of the hill, we saw a beautiful chapel complete with real live monks :) Then ended with an incredible brunch that I stuffed my face at, held at a beautiful local restaurant. Even though, I felt no desire to use my camera and declared at the beginning my friend Lisa had to be the photographer and let me steal her pictures, I ended up taking so many pictures because there was beauty in all directions. It was the perfect day.

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