A semester abroad
and a whole new mess of roads to wander.

12 March 2011

A reunion and a murder.

So we took a day trip to Perugia today. Perugia is the quaint Italian city my friend from high school Megan is studying abroad in. It is also the location where 4 years ago, a study abroad student from Seattle, Amanda Knox was convicted of murdering her British roommate. After hearing Megan tell the story (seeing as how she lives there and 1 of her professors was a mediator in the trial), it is evident that there is no real proof that Knox was her murderer and it also so clearly demonstrates the corruption in the government here in Italy. (*Note to Self: don't get into trouble in Italy) But either way, Knox was convicted and is no serving 25 years in an Italian prison outside of Perugia.. how effing scary. It was quite interesting to be in the town where such a famous event occurred and to see the university the girls attended.

Despite the dark events, it was a beautiful day and so wonderful to see a friendly face from home, especially one that I hadn't seen in so long! Megan and I hadn't seen each other since senior year of high school (so of course, naturally, our first reunion would be in italy!) But it was great to catch up and talk of home.

Our day was so spontaneous, go with the flow, fly by the seat of your pants, 'lax and i loved it! We didn't do a whole lot but thats what made it perfect. We didn't even arrive until after 1, enjoyed some cheap but delicious pizza on the steps of the duomo, toured the city (including the murder university and the underground city built by a previous pope where there are real live streets that people actually used to live on even though its underneath the real city), basked in the sun, bought some chocolate (perugia is famous for its chocolate) and then set off to return home. A highlight of the trip was the 'minimetro', so lovingly nicknamed the chode, for its awkward, but fun shape and size. Since Perugia is so hilly, the cute little tram takes you from the bottom to the top, feeling like a roller coaster and entering tunnels that make you feel like you're in The Incredibles.

Perugia definitely seems more of how I pictured what studying abroad in Italy would be like. I could never put my finger on what it was about Florence that made it not what I pictured or couldn't even understand what it was I was picturing, but after seeing Perugia I pinpointed it. I loved that it was more quiet and quaint, yet still had a bit of a city feel, unlike Siena where you felt walled in and trapped. Although I don't feel unsafe in Florence, it felt safer. The views and countryside surrounding were beautiful. I loved it there but am still very grateful for my experience in Florence and never would have changed it! Megan said that this was actually her first weekend spent in Perugia because there is not much to do during the day and so they are constantly gone on day/weekend trips, although the nightlife is great due to so many universities being located there. But after having a beautiful morning in Florence yesterday, sitting with my back on the Duomo with gelato in my hand, a book in my lap, and the sun shining down on my face, listening to Department of Eagles, I finally felt that true Italian feeling in Florence.

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